Teacher Community

Welcome to the online teacher community! The community has severalbulletin boards from which to choose from:
  • A forum on Java issues. Post your Java questions here, and help answer posted questions.
  • A forum on APCS issues. Communicate with your peers on APCS issues.
In addition, we will be happy to launch forums specific to geographical (metro) areas. As a trial, we have a forum forthe Washington DC area. These forums might help you stay in contactwith colleagues in your school system.

Go to bulletin board home page.(NOTE: you will need to use your browser's BACK button to returnto the Teacher website pages).

Never used a forum or bulletin board before?

  • We use the open-source phpBB bulletin-board package.
  • Briefly, all you have to do is: (1) Go to the bulletin board (by clicking on the Bulletin board home page link above); (2) click on a forum (e.g., click on the "Java" forum), and (3) post a message (topic) by clicking on the "post topic" button.
  • You can review your message before it actually gets posted.
Note: the College Board also has on-line discussion groups.See the AP Centralwebsite(Use your browser's BACK button to return to these pages).

Last updated: 14-July-03
Department of Computer Science,The George Washington University.